
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Being A Grandmother

I've been blessed by having a wonderful, bright little spirit brought into our lives, my little granddaughter, Rachel.  She is the prettiest little girl, bright, intelligent, and special in so many ways.

My oldest son and his wife were expecting twins to join her in bringing even more joy into our lives. Sadly, one of the twins seems to have stopped developing at twelve weeks one day, which broke all of our hearts. But God did not take both of them, and one day Rachel will have a little brother to annoy her and fight with and play with.

I haven't written about it til now, because it is such a bittersweet thing.  We'll always miss having that beautiful little spark of God in our lives, but as my son says, they got to see the baby on ultrasound and will one day see that baby again, and we will certainly pour our love onto the little fellow that is still destined to bring his spark into our lives.

Our prayers will be going out for my daughter-in-law, who has had such a tough time, but we know she is strong, and the most loving mom a kid could have.  I'll be very happy when the day comes for that precious bundle to come into the world, and happier still when we all get to see him, as we live in different states.

Hang in there, mom and son, we know you'll make it!  And know that we all love you, very much. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

More PROOF that H.A.A.R.P. is behind the mass deaths of animals Pt.2

Watch this video. If nothing else, this is food for thought, and anyone who cares should take the time to research HAARP.

Friday, January 28, 2011

More About Egypt

On the surface, you cheer for the people rising up in defense of their right to not endure tyranny, to be treated fairly, to know liberty.

Dig deeper, and look beyond the moment, and reflect upon the past record of other similar uprisings, and one must wonder just how much worse things may become.

There is a grave danger of one person or a small group of people, with no scruples and only their own self interests at heart, to step in and take this movement in a totally different direction than what the people really want.

It's happened before.  In Russia.  In China.  In Cuba. And the list goes on.  We Americans are blessed beyond measure that our founding fathers were able to rise above their human limitations and establish something totally new.

Considering that Egypt is already a Muslim nation, my very real concern is that the extremist organizations in the Middle East are going to jump into this and very quickly manipulate events to put themselves into power.  Iran has wasted no time praising the revolution, not because they give a whig about human rights, but because they know this endangers the peace agreements between Egypt and Israel, especially if the extremists can take quick advantage of this situation.

And it means we lose a major friend in the Middle East, if Egypt falls under the control of the extremists. While I have no love for dictators of any stripe, and sincerely hope that Egypt is able to avoid the trap of having this uprising subverted, I have to wonder if this is not yet another sign of the times.

Was this just a one day explosion of frustration, or is it a legitimate revolution in progress?  Only time will tell.  And only time will show how good or bad the impact of these events will be.


If you go to Youtube, you will find a ton of videos addressing the issue of survival. 

Some focus on the BOB, or bug out bag for those unfamiliar with that term, which is simply a bag that contains a variety of items extremely useful for surviving in the event of a disaster.

Others focus on discussing various SHTF (sh*t hits the fan) scenarios, what might happen, what we can do, etc.

Still others have set up whole channels focused on covering any aspect of survival they can find, ways to preserve food, or deal with the economic fallout of a crashing economy, and so forth.

I'm planning on linking to some of these videos here, in the hopes that maybe some bored person surfing the web might stumble onto this blog and find something they can actually use. 

My philosophy is simple. No one survives in a vacuum.  And it's far better to have others to work with than to try and tough it out on your own.  So if any information I find helps someone else, great. If no one ever finds this blog, ah well, at least I made the effort, and had some fun finding the interesting ways people have found to prepare for whatever might come our way.

Feel free to share any info you have, including links to your own blogs or videos. I will look forward to seeing them. :D

Who Am I

TN Mama Bear is simply a fifty two year old single mom, who is struggling like everyone else to make sense of a world that seems to have gone nuts.

In real life, I worked for almost five years managing a portrait studio at a major store.  The company I worked for is now being sued, for various worker rights violations, and after taking as much as I could, I left, signing on to that lawsuit. It broke my heart, because in all my life, this was the one job I loved more than any other.

This left me unemployed for several months, before I finally found new employment. I will be starting my new job next week, and I'll post updates here on occasion on how it is going.  It is in health care, which I sincerely hope may help to buffer me and my family against the economic crisis that I see as inevitably hitting all of us.

Once the weather warms up, I'll probably be doing some fishing and camping, something I always enjoyed but had to give up due to my previous job taking up all of my time. I'll be freezing and otherwise preserving any fish I catch, as a buffer against any future food shortages, and I'll be sure to post that here, as well.

My indoor escape is playing World of Warcraft.  I have a guild I founded and that I turned over to my daughter in law to run, and we have a lot of good people there that I enjoy chatting with and playing the game with.  I'm sure I'll have posts about that, too!

In short, this blog is just going to be my spot on the internet to vent, share, explore, and just in general chit chat about whatever suits my mood.  I hope anyone who finds this blog enjoys it, and participates with positive conversation.  I look forward to eventually meeting others someday along the way.

So It Begins

As I sit here typing this, there are massive riots taking place in Egypt.  The eyes of the whole world have turned towards Egypt, watching as the people rise up in protest against decades of growing oppression, poverty, and suffering.

I had just watched an Alex Jones video on Youtube, discussing the rise of oppressive tactics being used by our own government here in the US, as well as the dire indicators we are seeing for our own economy taking a fatal plunge, should our US dollar lose its status as the primary currency in international business.

I've heard state department heads on NPR hailing the rise of China to a world power as a good thing, despite the fact that they own a huge portion of our debt, and that China has joined with other companies in preparing to dump the dollar in favor of other currencies, which would have a devastating effect on our already sick economy.

Ms. Clinton has come on in a press release, urging Egypt to not use violent means to curb the riots, to respect the right of people to peacefully protest...this in spite of the facts that our own government has reacted violently to protesters, and that those in Egypt who are protesting have become violent because of the aggressive steps taken by the Egyptian police forces.

There is so much wrong in the world, not just here in our own country, but everywhere, that I seriously wonder how much longer we really have before it all crashes and burns around our heads.

From crooked politicians, to seeing our own Constitution and Bill of Rights hacked to pieces, to seeing the threat of losing a free and open internet via having restrictions placed on its use, to seeing our jobs outsourced and our economy systematically can anyone not see that we are, indeed, in deep trouble?

While it's doubtful anyone will ever even read these words, buried as this little blog will be among millions of others, being human I simply felt a need to vent, to express my own concerns, and to seek out possible solutions, if there are any.

Because, at this point, I'm not really sure there is much we as a people CAN do. Why? Simple....not enough people got off their collective asses to fight back when the powers that be gutted our Bill of Rights, shipped our jobs overseas, and corrupted our main vehicle for change, which is our vote. The majority turned a willing blind eye to the corruption, to the crimes, to the outrages against our liberty. 

Now, we will pay the price, and trust me, the price will be far more dear than anyone can imagine.

I no longer care about the fake differences between Democrat or Republican or any other political party label.  Not one of them has truly fought, consistently and publicly, to protect We The People from the insidious designs of the wealthy power brokers who have systematically bought and sold our politicians and political system. 

None of us who are the former middle class can hope to compete with the untold trillions of dollars that passes hands behind closed doors, or outdo the secret deals that include perks like junkets to vacation resorts or condos where ever the latest hot spot is for the rich. 

Those passing legislation that causes even further harm to the citizens of our own country and, eventually, around the world, care nothing for the opinions of a truck driver, who spends days at a time busting their ass to make it to their next drop on time, or the coal miner, who sweats and works so hard in the darkness to help provide needed resources for energy, or for the waitress whose feet are screaming in pain after a twelve hour shift waiting on others.

They don't care about any of us, the blue collar working class. None of them do. Do not believe them when they say they do. Try to call and get them on the phone. Try to get a meeting with them. They are too busy to be bothered with you. It is far more important to be at that thousand dollar a plate political dinner, which we tax payers foot the bill for. It is far more important to be at that high powered luncheon, where they are wheeling and dealing our liberty right out of the door.

And they are ALL doing it. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, is the way the system has been perverted, til no one who arrives in DC with dreams of making things right will have a snowball's chance in hell of effecting real change to restore liberty and stop this mad, insane avalanche run towards tyranny.

Make no mistake. Lose your liberty, and you WILL have tyranny. It's already here, knocking on our door. 

Invasive search techniques are being used on those travelling through our airports, violating a person's right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. 

Measures are being planned to give the president a kill switch for the internet, thus making it possible for them to shut all of us off from each other and critical information and contact, isolating us. 

They are already monitoring your email and your cell phone calls, building a record of those of us who dare to exercise our right to free speech and talk about these things. 

They are planning a program that will reward citizens who spy on others.

Sounds more and more like another country, long ago and far away.

This did not start with Obama. It has been a work in progress for a long time, and their long term plans are now starting to come together.  I don't think they really care if the economy here in the US collapses, because it will simply make it easier for them to use it as an excuse to put martial law in place and remove all pretenses of being a republic following democratic policies.

Like the rest of you, I will watch the unfolding events as they are broadcast on CNN.

But I will also be seeing what I can do to try and help my family be prepared for the horrors to come.  I cannot change the path that has been chosen for us against my will, but I can at least try to build my family some sort of ark to weather the coming storm.

I hope you will be wise enough to do the same.