
Friday, January 28, 2011

More About Egypt

On the surface, you cheer for the people rising up in defense of their right to not endure tyranny, to be treated fairly, to know liberty.

Dig deeper, and look beyond the moment, and reflect upon the past record of other similar uprisings, and one must wonder just how much worse things may become.

There is a grave danger of one person or a small group of people, with no scruples and only their own self interests at heart, to step in and take this movement in a totally different direction than what the people really want.

It's happened before.  In Russia.  In China.  In Cuba. And the list goes on.  We Americans are blessed beyond measure that our founding fathers were able to rise above their human limitations and establish something totally new.

Considering that Egypt is already a Muslim nation, my very real concern is that the extremist organizations in the Middle East are going to jump into this and very quickly manipulate events to put themselves into power.  Iran has wasted no time praising the revolution, not because they give a whig about human rights, but because they know this endangers the peace agreements between Egypt and Israel, especially if the extremists can take quick advantage of this situation.

And it means we lose a major friend in the Middle East, if Egypt falls under the control of the extremists. While I have no love for dictators of any stripe, and sincerely hope that Egypt is able to avoid the trap of having this uprising subverted, I have to wonder if this is not yet another sign of the times.

Was this just a one day explosion of frustration, or is it a legitimate revolution in progress?  Only time will tell.  And only time will show how good or bad the impact of these events will be.

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