With everything that has happened over the past decade, and most especially the past year and a half, I am convinced that we are, indeed, living in the end times as prophesied by the Bible.
Now, that may be something a lot of people laugh at, or ridicule, but if it is true, then it is something we need to consider very carefully and take very seriously.
Earthquakes are on the rise around the globe, not just the number of them, but the intensity.
Animal die offs are increasing at an alarming rate, and no one explanation seems to fit for why.
Wars and rumors of wars? are you kidding? Have you been keeping up with the news? It seems the whole human race is bent on destroying each other, for one reason or another, and what is brewing now in the Middle East may well be the flash point for World War 3.
We've had some record droughts this year, not only in the United States, but around the world, along with other crazy weather than fits no pattern.
Due to the droughts and the floods, crops have taken a beating, so there is a shortage of corn and other foods, as farmers had to sell off their herds because they simply could not feed them. Hello famine and skyrocketing prices....just as described in Revelations.
I could go on, but I think you get the drift. One or two of these things would be coincidence, but to be hammered by all of this in the same time frame just as was foretold thousands of years ago...well, seems to me only a dedicated fool would continue to stubbornly reject what is staring us in the face.
There is no way to know for sure just how long we may have. But one thing I am convinced of, is that if you do not have Christ in your heart, I strongly recommend you get right with God now, because it is clearer every day that our time is short. We stand poised on the brink of total annihilation as a species, we do not have men of honor and strong moral character making the decisions that will affect us all, and it isn't going to take much to push us right off that cliff.
I'm not a bible thumper, believe me, but I think this is important enough to get people thinking and looking into the possibility, and hopefully to get ready. If I'm wrong, then no harm no foul because at least we all would have straightened out our stinking thinking, but if I am right, then, well, if you have a brain, you can figure it out!
God bless, and thanks for reading!
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