
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Obama At Prayer Breakfast

I'm posting this here because there have been arguments raging for a long time regarding whether or not Obama is a closet Muslim, who might be seeking to move America into the ranks of Muslim countries.

Now, I cannot say whether or not the man is lying or not.  I'm not God, and I cannot see into his soul to determine the depth of truth he is speaking. But he is stating here definitively that he accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior, and goes into some detail with a bit of humor on his dependence on his faith in God and in prayer.

And I will say this, that his statement of faith is far more convincing to me than any line of generic BS that Bush Junior spewed.  There is a legitimacy to what Obama is saying about his apparently real faith that was always, always lacking in any reference Bush made to praying and being a Christian.

I still have serious questions about this man's legality of being president due to the questions of whether or not he is an American citizen by birth or not.  But I will leave it to others and to God to determine the truth of what he says here regarding his faith.

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