
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Long Time Since Posting Here!

Not that it matters much, lol, since I don't really have a following. I've been busy with work, and dealing with my mother who had cancer surgery and removal of her gall bladder. Thankfully, though she is still having a hard time, she is doing a lot better.

I've also been busy on my Youtube channel, but am taking a break from it for now. My laptop crashed and died on me, and sadly I just don't have the money for a new one. I'm currently stuck with using my daughter's itty bitty Acer Aspire laptop, which just does not have the processor capability to handle the video uploads. It crashes randomly when trying to get a video processed and uploaded, so I don't want to risk a total crash and burn on this one!

So, as I am someone who feels that need to express myself, I have returned to my poor little abandoned blog, reviving it and hoping to build on it some. Who knows, maybe a few folks will stop by on occasion? lol!

I've also added another blog to this one, at . That blog is going to be focused on my own spiritual journey. It is guaranteed to be extremely controversial, as I do not fit into any mainstream orthodox mold. In fact, as I dare to share some of my 'out there' beliefs, you'll probably think I'm nuts! LOL! But that's okay. I'll just share things along the way, if it upsets folks, nothing I can do about that, and maybe something I say will click with someone and help them in their own search for answers, or at least you may find that you aren't alone in some of the questions you have, yourself.

God bless!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Days, I Feel Too Old To Breathe

I suppose it comes with the territory, getting older, that is. But it sure is annoying!

It takes all my will power to even get up and move lately, I just seem to be more and more tired.  The past three days, I've felt a bit like I'm coming down with a flu, aching all over, throat kind of sore.  Seems to get worse as the day goes on.

I'm taking some vitamins, seeing if they might help me do better.  Time will tell.

We've had a major earthquake in Japan and have launched another 'military action' in Libya since I last posted. Amazing how much changes in just a month, isn't it. Add to that the race to pass legislation by northern states to give governors the power to declare any town or county in a crisis and thereby appoint someone to run it, with no election or input from citizens, and you have to wonder, what the heck is going on?

Well, I know what I suspect is going on, though I doubt most people who eventually stumble across this little blog will have a real clue.  Which is sad, to be honest.  I've watched the patterns for years, and all the 'clues' are there, in your face. 

I suspect a lot of things are about to happen.  Time will tell. The only advice I can give is to prepare the best you can, then just enjoy your life.  No need to pull your hair out over things you cannot control.

God bless, all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Catching Up

Haven't posted in a while, because I finally got a new job and it has taken up a lot of my time. Got stuck on a thirty hour shift, which nearly did me in! I'm too old for those long hours! lol!  I'm working for a home health service right now, something I did for over ten years up until about ten years ago.  I don't know how long I will be able to do this, but I'm hanging in there for now.

Not much choice with the job market like it is....

I haven't even played WoW for almost a month now. Between the new job tiring me out and the frustration players face with the new expansion, I don't know how long it will be before I go back.  Love the game, but honestly, Blizzard is definitely catering to young kids who are obssessed and have hours upon hours to play. I don't, so it's on the back burner for now.

I finally got a new stove! A beautiful, full size one! I also finally got my upper cabinets for the wall where the stove is, so I now have a lot more room to store things.  It actually looks like a kitchen now, instead of a half finished afterthought! lol!

It's the last big purchase I'll be making, though, as I now have to watch every penny I spend. With the overseas insanity being used to justify jacked up gas prices that were going to go up, anyway, (gotta luv how they don't miss a trick on spinning greed!), and since I'm going to have to have enough gas to get to client's homes, I cannot afford to blow my money on anything. 

I have a lot I want to say about politics, but I'm planning on making a video for my youtube channel, which will be far easier than typing out a long diatribe on the insanity  that surrounds us!  So I'll be linking that once I make it.

Now to do some boring housework, then see what I can do about making a decent video...wish me luck!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

HAARP ... Scary Stuff

Get educated on this, follow the links, and prepare to be shocked when the ramifications of this really hit home.

Most people still haven't heard about HAARP, or if they have, they don't realize fully what it is, what it can do, and what it may have already done.

How many disasters have taken place that really weren't natural, but were a direct result of the actions of HAARP? 

This nightmare technology can do so much more than you can dream of, it is like watching a sci fi flick in real life, where technology has advanced so far beyond common sense that the human race destroys itself in using it. 

HAARP can do exactly that. 

Watch the video.  Then think about what this means.

Mubarak Losing Face, Protests Continue

I think we Americans need to understand a basic concept, expressed as honor in the Middle East and as 'face' in the Far East, as in 'saving face' or 'losing face'.  We Americans have no definitive cultural expression for this, just a general knowledge on whether someone is respected or not.

But for these other countries, it is so deeply embedded in their culture that it can cause someone to go to great extremes that are even self destructive, just to preserve their honor or save face, even at the expense of a whole people.  By our standards, it is expressly stupid, yet by their standards, it can even be expected.

A good example is the second original Karate Kid movie,,,if you recall that one, there was a great emphasis placed on Myagi's friend losing face just because he did not face him in a battle.  We don't truly understand the depth of the importance of that, because it simply does not apply in our culture. But it does apply in the cultures of other countries, even to the point of death.

This is where real diplomacy comes into play, understanding what motivates others based upon their beliefs, not yours, and trying to work with those others in respect of their culture, because we cannot force the world to act according to our own cultural beliefs. 

Mubarak has lost face.  He is humiliated.  If you watched the reaction of the protestors the night he aired his speech stating he would leave in September, and saw them take off their shoes and wave the bottom of their shoes at that screen in anger, you were watching him being dishonored to a level we cannot really understand unless you step outside of American culture and view from their cultural view.

It was the equivalent, I'd say, of a million plus Americans dropping their drawers and mooning an American president. 

It did not help that his own goon squads that included a large number of criminals along with police out of uniform that were set loose on the protestors to disrupt the protests also attacked the journalists, something that was documented for the whole world to see and that turned a lot of people against Mubarak.

I think they may have expected that the attacks would scatter the protestors and end the protests, but it backfired on them, in a huge way.  If anything, it strengthened their resolve to keep taking their stand for democracy and for Mubarak to leave.

At least the violence has died down, limited more to skirmishes on the side streets, and the military is trying with a bit more effort to limit the confrontations.  But it is still up in the air on how this will end, how long it will go on, and how strong the resolve is of the protestors to stick it out.

I Hate Colds

Cold, the flu, whatever, it is never fun.

I've been battling this chest cold for a week, and it is backwards from every other one I've ever had. Normally, I get a head cold that evolves into a chest cold. This time, I got the chest cold first, and NOW am having the head cold.


But still miserable.

At least I'm not alone in my misery, and misery does love company, they daughter in law is dealing with it now! lol!  Ahh, the joys of being human!  :D

Obama At Prayer Breakfast

I'm posting this here because there have been arguments raging for a long time regarding whether or not Obama is a closet Muslim, who might be seeking to move America into the ranks of Muslim countries.

Now, I cannot say whether or not the man is lying or not.  I'm not God, and I cannot see into his soul to determine the depth of truth he is speaking. But he is stating here definitively that he accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior, and goes into some detail with a bit of humor on his dependence on his faith in God and in prayer.

And I will say this, that his statement of faith is far more convincing to me than any line of generic BS that Bush Junior spewed.  There is a legitimacy to what Obama is saying about his apparently real faith that was always, always lacking in any reference Bush made to praying and being a Christian.

I still have serious questions about this man's legality of being president due to the questions of whether or not he is an American citizen by birth or not.  But I will leave it to others and to God to determine the truth of what he says here regarding his faith.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mubarak's Rent-A-Mobs Strike

In spite of the efforts of the Egyptian people to maintain a peaceful protest for democracy, Mubarak has resorted to enlisting the services of his rent-a-mobs to fight back against them.

In spite of pleas from other countries to exercise restraint, this dictator is so determined to maintain his stranglehold on Egypt that he is apparently willing to burn Cairo down around the heads of his people.

It's the rent-a-mobs who are attacking CNN reporters, throwing molatov cocktails into the crowds of peaceful protestors, ganging up on individuals and beating them with clubs and machetes, and in general turning a peaceful protest into a destructing, living nightmare, all on behalf of the Mubarak regime. No one has any doubt whatsoever who is behind this.

Only time will tell if the protestors back down, or if this will escalate into a full blown war between the people of Egypt against the Mubarak regime.  And I wonder if any democratic nation will stand with the people against the tyrannical actions of this dictator, who is obviously determined to hold onto power until his last breath.

If we don't, then the door will be open for extremists to leap in and fill this void.

President Obama needs to take a hard stand, now.  Mubarak has made his choice clear, to hold onto power at all costs, regardless of the will of the Egyptian people to be free from tyranny and the requests of allies to exercise restraint.  He has pretty much flipped a bird at his own people and the world.

Will our U.S. government take this stand? I doubt it. But we will see.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

....8 Months?

So today Mubarak says he will finish out his term and not run for re-election in September, eight months from now.

Does he seriously think the Egyptians will give him eight more months? That any of them trust him to establish a fair election process?  Or that they would believe anyone he put into office would treat them any different?

At least Obama finally came out with some support for the citizens of Egypt, though it wasn't as strong a statement of support as they would have liked.  I don't envy his position, trying to find that middle road of honoring a thirty year ally while also honoring the people of a country that has also allied with us for so long. Still, Mubarak has been warned for decades to change, and he refused, so in all fairness he only has himself to blame.

The problem is that there are a lot of people who have a lot invested in this regime, from an abusive police force to crooked politicians who were happy to ride the gravy train to any number of government officials who enabled the system to continue functioning at the cost of human rights.  These people will not only lose their positions of power over others, they must also deeply fear eventual repercussions should the people of Egypt seek to pursue investigations and prosecution for the offenses against them they have endured.

It's also fearful to think of what might happen should Mubarak stay in for another eight months, namely retaliation against the Egyptian people themselves by him and his regime. This is something I have not heard ANY talking heads on network news address, the possibility that, instead of working to set up a transition government, he might work overtime to prevent any future protests, conduct retaliation attacks on those who dared to protest, and tighten his grip even more.

What guarantee would the people have that he would even leave in September? Shutting down the internet and phones, attempting to isolate the citizens, is not a good sign, is it? 

So I can well understand the desire of the Egyptian people for Mubarak to leave, NOW, not in eight months, not in eight weeks, but NOW. 

The concern of the western world is legitimate, in fearing the takeover of an extremist faction that would only add to the problems we have dealt with in the Middle East. Hopefully, the nations of the west will be able to work with the Egyptian people in crafting and establishing a more democratic form of government, giving them the voice that is their God given right.  And hopefully, Mubarak will finally face facts and realize it is time to bow to reality, step down, and let democracy spring forth from the people of this ancient and great nation.

The world watches, and waits.

Taking A Stand

It seems to me that Americans of all political persuasions have far more courage than our own government does.  As a whole, Americans recognize and respect the stand Egyptians are taking against their dictator in favor of democracy, and stand with them, at least in spirit.

Why can't our own president do the same thing? Surely he can find the politically correct way of phrasing it. but the bottom line is that he. of all people, should be making it clear that we support anyone who seeks a more democratic way of life.

He can't even say the word democracy, instead using phrases like 'reform' and 'restraint'! 

Rather than dance around the issue, making America look even more weak and hypocritical, we should, instead, be embracing this move, and helping Egyptians realize their dream of establishing a democratic form of government.  Because if we DON'T stand with them and help them, anyone with a brain knows there are those with ties to terrorist groups who will be more than happy to usurp this movement to establish yet another repressive Islamic government.

Enough with supporting regimes that abuse their citizens.  Take a stand for democracy and human rights.  Yes, it will complicate our dealings with other countries, as a dictator is easier to manipulate for our own ends, but it is past time that our country started doing the right thing, instead of the convenient thing.

Because, if we don't, the end result is going to be worse for all of us. Mubarak is no longer accepted by Egyptians, human rights abuses are not going to be tolerated, as well they should not be, and it is time to bid this dictator farewell and embrace the birth of a new democracy. 

Sadly, I will not be holding my breath for our leaders to do the right thing.  I fear that we will see this incredible movement derailled, just as it was in Iran, while our politicians stumble around like morons playing their political games. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Being A Grandmother

I've been blessed by having a wonderful, bright little spirit brought into our lives, my little granddaughter, Rachel.  She is the prettiest little girl, bright, intelligent, and special in so many ways.

My oldest son and his wife were expecting twins to join her in bringing even more joy into our lives. Sadly, one of the twins seems to have stopped developing at twelve weeks one day, which broke all of our hearts. But God did not take both of them, and one day Rachel will have a little brother to annoy her and fight with and play with.

I haven't written about it til now, because it is such a bittersweet thing.  We'll always miss having that beautiful little spark of God in our lives, but as my son says, they got to see the baby on ultrasound and will one day see that baby again, and we will certainly pour our love onto the little fellow that is still destined to bring his spark into our lives.

Our prayers will be going out for my daughter-in-law, who has had such a tough time, but we know she is strong, and the most loving mom a kid could have.  I'll be very happy when the day comes for that precious bundle to come into the world, and happier still when we all get to see him, as we live in different states.

Hang in there, mom and son, we know you'll make it!  And know that we all love you, very much. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

More PROOF that H.A.A.R.P. is behind the mass deaths of animals Pt.2

Watch this video. If nothing else, this is food for thought, and anyone who cares should take the time to research HAARP.

Friday, January 28, 2011

More About Egypt

On the surface, you cheer for the people rising up in defense of their right to not endure tyranny, to be treated fairly, to know liberty.

Dig deeper, and look beyond the moment, and reflect upon the past record of other similar uprisings, and one must wonder just how much worse things may become.

There is a grave danger of one person or a small group of people, with no scruples and only their own self interests at heart, to step in and take this movement in a totally different direction than what the people really want.

It's happened before.  In Russia.  In China.  In Cuba. And the list goes on.  We Americans are blessed beyond measure that our founding fathers were able to rise above their human limitations and establish something totally new.

Considering that Egypt is already a Muslim nation, my very real concern is that the extremist organizations in the Middle East are going to jump into this and very quickly manipulate events to put themselves into power.  Iran has wasted no time praising the revolution, not because they give a whig about human rights, but because they know this endangers the peace agreements between Egypt and Israel, especially if the extremists can take quick advantage of this situation.

And it means we lose a major friend in the Middle East, if Egypt falls under the control of the extremists. While I have no love for dictators of any stripe, and sincerely hope that Egypt is able to avoid the trap of having this uprising subverted, I have to wonder if this is not yet another sign of the times.

Was this just a one day explosion of frustration, or is it a legitimate revolution in progress?  Only time will tell.  And only time will show how good or bad the impact of these events will be.


If you go to Youtube, you will find a ton of videos addressing the issue of survival. 

Some focus on the BOB, or bug out bag for those unfamiliar with that term, which is simply a bag that contains a variety of items extremely useful for surviving in the event of a disaster.

Others focus on discussing various SHTF (sh*t hits the fan) scenarios, what might happen, what we can do, etc.

Still others have set up whole channels focused on covering any aspect of survival they can find, ways to preserve food, or deal with the economic fallout of a crashing economy, and so forth.

I'm planning on linking to some of these videos here, in the hopes that maybe some bored person surfing the web might stumble onto this blog and find something they can actually use. 

My philosophy is simple. No one survives in a vacuum.  And it's far better to have others to work with than to try and tough it out on your own.  So if any information I find helps someone else, great. If no one ever finds this blog, ah well, at least I made the effort, and had some fun finding the interesting ways people have found to prepare for whatever might come our way.

Feel free to share any info you have, including links to your own blogs or videos. I will look forward to seeing them. :D

Who Am I

TN Mama Bear is simply a fifty two year old single mom, who is struggling like everyone else to make sense of a world that seems to have gone nuts.

In real life, I worked for almost five years managing a portrait studio at a major store.  The company I worked for is now being sued, for various worker rights violations, and after taking as much as I could, I left, signing on to that lawsuit. It broke my heart, because in all my life, this was the one job I loved more than any other.

This left me unemployed for several months, before I finally found new employment. I will be starting my new job next week, and I'll post updates here on occasion on how it is going.  It is in health care, which I sincerely hope may help to buffer me and my family against the economic crisis that I see as inevitably hitting all of us.

Once the weather warms up, I'll probably be doing some fishing and camping, something I always enjoyed but had to give up due to my previous job taking up all of my time. I'll be freezing and otherwise preserving any fish I catch, as a buffer against any future food shortages, and I'll be sure to post that here, as well.

My indoor escape is playing World of Warcraft.  I have a guild I founded and that I turned over to my daughter in law to run, and we have a lot of good people there that I enjoy chatting with and playing the game with.  I'm sure I'll have posts about that, too!

In short, this blog is just going to be my spot on the internet to vent, share, explore, and just in general chit chat about whatever suits my mood.  I hope anyone who finds this blog enjoys it, and participates with positive conversation.  I look forward to eventually meeting others someday along the way.

So It Begins

As I sit here typing this, there are massive riots taking place in Egypt.  The eyes of the whole world have turned towards Egypt, watching as the people rise up in protest against decades of growing oppression, poverty, and suffering.

I had just watched an Alex Jones video on Youtube, discussing the rise of oppressive tactics being used by our own government here in the US, as well as the dire indicators we are seeing for our own economy taking a fatal plunge, should our US dollar lose its status as the primary currency in international business.

I've heard state department heads on NPR hailing the rise of China to a world power as a good thing, despite the fact that they own a huge portion of our debt, and that China has joined with other companies in preparing to dump the dollar in favor of other currencies, which would have a devastating effect on our already sick economy.

Ms. Clinton has come on in a press release, urging Egypt to not use violent means to curb the riots, to respect the right of people to peacefully protest...this in spite of the facts that our own government has reacted violently to protesters, and that those in Egypt who are protesting have become violent because of the aggressive steps taken by the Egyptian police forces.

There is so much wrong in the world, not just here in our own country, but everywhere, that I seriously wonder how much longer we really have before it all crashes and burns around our heads.

From crooked politicians, to seeing our own Constitution and Bill of Rights hacked to pieces, to seeing the threat of losing a free and open internet via having restrictions placed on its use, to seeing our jobs outsourced and our economy systematically can anyone not see that we are, indeed, in deep trouble?

While it's doubtful anyone will ever even read these words, buried as this little blog will be among millions of others, being human I simply felt a need to vent, to express my own concerns, and to seek out possible solutions, if there are any.

Because, at this point, I'm not really sure there is much we as a people CAN do. Why? Simple....not enough people got off their collective asses to fight back when the powers that be gutted our Bill of Rights, shipped our jobs overseas, and corrupted our main vehicle for change, which is our vote. The majority turned a willing blind eye to the corruption, to the crimes, to the outrages against our liberty. 

Now, we will pay the price, and trust me, the price will be far more dear than anyone can imagine.

I no longer care about the fake differences between Democrat or Republican or any other political party label.  Not one of them has truly fought, consistently and publicly, to protect We The People from the insidious designs of the wealthy power brokers who have systematically bought and sold our politicians and political system. 

None of us who are the former middle class can hope to compete with the untold trillions of dollars that passes hands behind closed doors, or outdo the secret deals that include perks like junkets to vacation resorts or condos where ever the latest hot spot is for the rich. 

Those passing legislation that causes even further harm to the citizens of our own country and, eventually, around the world, care nothing for the opinions of a truck driver, who spends days at a time busting their ass to make it to their next drop on time, or the coal miner, who sweats and works so hard in the darkness to help provide needed resources for energy, or for the waitress whose feet are screaming in pain after a twelve hour shift waiting on others.

They don't care about any of us, the blue collar working class. None of them do. Do not believe them when they say they do. Try to call and get them on the phone. Try to get a meeting with them. They are too busy to be bothered with you. It is far more important to be at that thousand dollar a plate political dinner, which we tax payers foot the bill for. It is far more important to be at that high powered luncheon, where they are wheeling and dealing our liberty right out of the door.

And they are ALL doing it. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, is the way the system has been perverted, til no one who arrives in DC with dreams of making things right will have a snowball's chance in hell of effecting real change to restore liberty and stop this mad, insane avalanche run towards tyranny.

Make no mistake. Lose your liberty, and you WILL have tyranny. It's already here, knocking on our door. 

Invasive search techniques are being used on those travelling through our airports, violating a person's right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. 

Measures are being planned to give the president a kill switch for the internet, thus making it possible for them to shut all of us off from each other and critical information and contact, isolating us. 

They are already monitoring your email and your cell phone calls, building a record of those of us who dare to exercise our right to free speech and talk about these things. 

They are planning a program that will reward citizens who spy on others.

Sounds more and more like another country, long ago and far away.

This did not start with Obama. It has been a work in progress for a long time, and their long term plans are now starting to come together.  I don't think they really care if the economy here in the US collapses, because it will simply make it easier for them to use it as an excuse to put martial law in place and remove all pretenses of being a republic following democratic policies.

Like the rest of you, I will watch the unfolding events as they are broadcast on CNN.

But I will also be seeing what I can do to try and help my family be prepared for the horrors to come.  I cannot change the path that has been chosen for us against my will, but I can at least try to build my family some sort of ark to weather the coming storm.

I hope you will be wise enough to do the same.