
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Time To Get Right With God

There is little doubt there will be some, perhaps many, who will pile onto the comments section of this video to mock and belittle Jesus Christ, Christians, and the prophecies of the end times. But it is my sincere hope that someone out there who is backslidden, fallen away, or who has continued to reject God might heed these words, repent, and accept Christ as their savior. I truly do believe our time is short, and they really don't have much longer to get it right.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Blogs To Go With My Youtube Videos

Just uploaded a video on my youtube channel, showing this blog as well as my other one, Chapel of Prayer.  Hoping others will follow the links, especially to the prayer blog!

Signs Of The Times

With everything that has happened over the past decade, and most especially the past year and a half, I am convinced that we are, indeed, living in the end times as prophesied by the Bible.

Now, that may be something a lot of people laugh at, or ridicule, but if it is true, then it is something we need to consider very carefully and take very seriously.

Earthquakes are on the rise around the globe, not just the number of them, but the intensity.

Animal die offs are increasing at an alarming rate, and no one explanation seems to fit for why.

Wars and rumors of wars? are you kidding? Have you been keeping up with the news? It seems the whole human race is bent on destroying each other, for one reason or another, and what is brewing now in the Middle East may well be the flash point for World War 3.

We've had some record droughts this year, not only in the United States, but around the world, along with other crazy weather than fits no pattern.

Due to the droughts and the floods, crops have taken a beating, so there is a shortage of corn and other foods, as farmers had to sell off their herds because they simply could not feed them. Hello famine and skyrocketing prices....just as described in Revelations.

I could go on, but I think you get the drift. One or two of these things would be coincidence, but to be hammered by all of this in the same time frame just as was foretold thousands of years ago...well, seems to me only a dedicated fool would continue to stubbornly reject what is staring us in the face.

There is no way to know for sure just how long we may have. But one thing I am convinced of, is that if you do not have Christ in your heart, I strongly recommend you get right with God now, because it is clearer every day that our time is short. We stand poised on the brink of total annihilation as a species, we do not have men of honor and strong moral character making the decisions that will affect us all, and it isn't going to take much to push us right off that cliff.

I'm not a bible thumper, believe me, but I think this is important enough to get people thinking and looking into the possibility, and hopefully to get ready. If I'm wrong, then no harm no foul because at least we all would have straightened out our stinking thinking, but if I am right, then, well, if you have a brain, you can figure it out!

God bless, and thanks for reading!

My Life Is Nuts

It's been a VERY long time since I've done anything with this blog.  Just have had too much to deal with in real life, like most of us, I suppose.

So to bring things up to date...

I have a new laptop, well not as new now, lol, but I purchased it back in February. It's a pretty good one, too, an Asus gamer model, and it is a big one, so I use it like a desktop.

I am playing World of Warcraft again, have a new guild on a new server, Alliance side, Drak'Thul server, named Darkwater. Actually inherited it, as one of my characters was in this guild and the four or five others seemed to have quit the game, so I just went ahead and built it up. I've been blessed with some really awesome people who have joined it, and though I don't get to play as much as I'd like to, we have a lot of fun. So it at least gives me a good escape to go to when real life gets a bit overwhelming.

My mom is doing great now, she really went through a lot last year, still gets tired faster than she used to, but that's also age, as I well know for myself! :D  Still, I do thank God for her, and pray that He will continue to keep her steady and strong as possible.

My daughter who is my youngest is a senior in high school this year.  It's so hard to believe that the tiny little bundle I once held in one arm is poised to graduate at the end of this school year, and set out on her life on her own in less than a year.  I'm so proud of her, she has done so well throughout her schooling, has tons of friends, is beautiful, smart, and talented, and I continue to pray for God's protection and blessing on her young life.

I have two grandbabies, and yet another one on the way now!  I never even imagined being a grandma lol, but they are coming up this week to visit, since they probably won't be able to come back for at least another year with my daughter in law being pregnant.  Truly looking forward to it!

Our dog Shady had puppies...count them...TEN PUPPIES!!!! I thought she'd never stop! lol! I've found homes now for eight of them, still have two left, one I really want to keep, the other I also love, and I think my son may be taking her home with them for his baby girl to have her own pet.  They'll be ten weeks old this Wednesday, wow how time flies!

Still working for the same home health agency as a caregiver that I've worked at for going on a year and a half now. Love it, and I pray things continue to be a blessing in that area.

And it's still an ongoing financial struggle, as we do our best to survive the insanity the one percenters ram down our throats. 

I'll get some opinion posts up very soon, probably tonight, and let the chips fall where they may. :D

Thanks to anyone who surfs by and takes the time to read. God bless you!