
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking A Stand

It seems to me that Americans of all political persuasions have far more courage than our own government does.  As a whole, Americans recognize and respect the stand Egyptians are taking against their dictator in favor of democracy, and stand with them, at least in spirit.

Why can't our own president do the same thing? Surely he can find the politically correct way of phrasing it. but the bottom line is that he. of all people, should be making it clear that we support anyone who seeks a more democratic way of life.

He can't even say the word democracy, instead using phrases like 'reform' and 'restraint'! 

Rather than dance around the issue, making America look even more weak and hypocritical, we should, instead, be embracing this move, and helping Egyptians realize their dream of establishing a democratic form of government.  Because if we DON'T stand with them and help them, anyone with a brain knows there are those with ties to terrorist groups who will be more than happy to usurp this movement to establish yet another repressive Islamic government.

Enough with supporting regimes that abuse their citizens.  Take a stand for democracy and human rights.  Yes, it will complicate our dealings with other countries, as a dictator is easier to manipulate for our own ends, but it is past time that our country started doing the right thing, instead of the convenient thing.

Because, if we don't, the end result is going to be worse for all of us. Mubarak is no longer accepted by Egyptians, human rights abuses are not going to be tolerated, as well they should not be, and it is time to bid this dictator farewell and embrace the birth of a new democracy. 

Sadly, I will not be holding my breath for our leaders to do the right thing.  I fear that we will see this incredible movement derailled, just as it was in Iran, while our politicians stumble around like morons playing their political games. 

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